The Graduate School of Education and Human Development and the
Transnational Doctoral Program

The Graduate School of Education and Human Development (GSEHD) was first established in 1953 as the Graduate School of Education, which was then restructured and renamed into its current state in 2000. Our aim has been to provide high quality education for both undergraduate and graduate levels, producing graduates who excel in their fields with leading research in both domestic and international arenas of the education and psychology disciplines. The GSEHD has the basic objective of intensifying and diversifying graduate education, the advancing leading research, and contributing to the local and professional communities. In the pursuit of these goals, the GSEHD has been active in initiating wide-scale overseas projects, such as lesson studies, psychological support, and development of leadership. Through our well-established mutual alliances, the Transnational Doctoral Program for Leading Professionals in Asian Countries provides national leaders in the field of education and psychology with the opportunity to enhance their research skills and competencies, such as to enable them to further their leadership in developing policy and practice for betterment of the lives and welfare of the citizens of their respective country.

Available Countries
  • Mongolia
  • Uzbekistan
Admission Requirements

Persons who meet all of the following conditions:
(1)Persons who have a minimum of three years of experience related to educational policy-making within government, university, or equivalent institutions.
(2)Persons who can provide a letter of recommendation from their employer or director of affiliated organization.
(3)Persons engaged in an occupation or a role related to policy-making for the advancement in education or human development fields within their nation, and who have the potential to integrate their knowledge and experience in the form of a doctoral dissertation.
(4)Persons who have been awarded a Master's degree or professional degree by a Nagoya University graduate school or a graduate school of another university.
(5)Persons who have written a Master's thesis in English or Japanese. In case the thesis had been written in another language, an article published a first-authored in English or Japanese is required.
(6)Persons who have already achieved significant progress in an on-going research project or who have conceptualized a purposeful and feasible research plan.
Research topics and plans must be within the interests and capacities for providing guidance of our current faculty.

Further information on Transnational Doctoral Program admissions:

Degree Offered

The Graduate School of Education and Human Development offers programs in the following fields and degrees to be offered will be Ph.D. and Ed.D.
Department of Educational Sciences (Ph.D. or Ed.D.)
Department of Psychology and Human Developmental Sciences (Ph.D.)

Please visit link below for the details of the field of study:

Graduation Requirements

In principle, the duration of the program is three years in the Ph.D. or Ed.D. program. The student who obtains credits and pass the examination of the submitted thesis conducted by his/her supervisory panel will be granted Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Department of Educational Sciences, or Ph.D. in Department of Psychology and Human Developmental Sciences.
In the Department of Educational Sciences, the applicant shall select the program for either the Ph.D. or Ed.D. upon application. However, depending on the progress, he/she may change the program in consultation with the supervisor.


The faculty members are highly specialized and respected academic in various fields. To learn more, see the following link.

List of faculty members of Graduate School of Education and Human Development: