ASCI graduates share their stories. Find out their experiences, advice and more!

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
A. Developing Smallholder Dairy Buffalo Farm Productivity through Improvement of Nutrition, Body Condition, and Milk Production in South Luzon, Philippines
A. I chose ASCI because the their program allowed me the rare flexibility to earn a PhD degree while leading an agency without sacrificing the quality of education.
A. The advantage is the opportunity to earn a PhD degree without leaving the country and at an age when most program would not admit. The only disadvantage is you will really be very busy.
A. After earning the PhD degree I got promoted as the Center Director.
A. To collaborate with more institutions and researchers, publish scientific papers, and climb up the leadership ladder of PCC.
A. Preparation and planning is a must. If you will it, there will always be a way. Always do your best then, smile and trust that everything will work out just fine.

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine
A. Estimation of the unvaccinated among those aged less than 25 years according to aimag and the association with incidence in 2015-16 measles outbreak in Mongolia.
A. At first, this is a doctoral program which provides an opportunity to me to get a doctoral degree of Nagoya University without having to take time out from my work. Secondly, I got my Master degree in Healthcare Administration from Young Leaders Program of Nagoya University, which is basic requirement of the program. Also this program offered scholarship and expenses paid by Nagoya University.
A. Advantage is to give opportunity to do research work while doing work. In my observation from other similar students during my study were difficult to communicate with professor by distance. Communication and understanding between professor and student is very important in order to successful complete research work. Open, close onsite discussion or communication very much needed during research work and study. I am lucky, because my supervisor Professor Nobuyuki Hamajima, he fully supported my research work.
A. Successfully published 2 papers in an international journal in my research topic.
A. To continue my research work and to contribute PhD students who study in the ASCI programs.
A. Time management is important in learning PhD from distance. Always keep in mind, that you are PhD student in ASCI program and focus on your research work to complete on time.

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine
A. Free and Universal Access to Primary Healthcare in Mongolia.
A. A2: ASCI of NU offers very convenient programs for people with a busy schedule, prominent carrier but interested in research work. The ability to study while working is invaluable advantage that cannot be matched by any other benefits in other schools.
A. There are no disadvantages. Advantages are plenty. Flexible programs, highly professional teaching staff, widely available resources such as an e-library, and free access to information and articles from top-notch universities and scientific journals.
A. First, I learned a lot about how to do deep research and how to analyze various information. With this knowledge, I found out what the real situation is with the provision of basic health services in Mongolia.
A. Assist the Mongolian government to strengthen health services for the people of Mongolia.
A. Be proactive. And think outside the box
A. ASCI’s competitive advantage proved itself during the COVID-19 pandemic. I wish all the bests to the management and staff of ASCI.
A. ASCI’s competitive advantage proved itself during the COVID-19 pandemic. I wish all the bests to the management and staff of ASCI.

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
A. Distribution patterns and above ground net primary productivity of bamboos in northern Laos.
A. The program is unique in that it provides enrolled students an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and experience and work towards a doctoral degree without having to take time out from their career.
A. The advantage is work towards a doctoral degree without having to take time out from their career. The disadvantages are inconvenient and misunderstand when communicated without activities.
A. I have consistently achieved as well as exceeded challenging targets. I am applied for this scholarship to help me completed the creation of my skills.
A. This lets me work closely with forest resource management to supplement my class education and further my career.
A. I would like to dispatch the most direct option and message for career entry, giving you the best chance to pursue your dream career.

Graduated in Graduate School of Law

Graduated in Graduate School of Law
A. ASCI is a wonderful program which you can obtain a doctoral degree and devote to your professional career at the same time.
A. Advantages: reputation of Nagoya University, excellent supports from ASCI staffs for accommodation, travelling, logistics. Disadvantages: stressful timeframe, balance of study, work, and life.
A. I researched and deepened the knowledge in the area that I chose for my career – International Trade Law with outstanding supervision from my professor – Tomonori Mizushima sensei. Also, my employer recognized my effort and provided significant promotions and awards.
A. Contribute to the development of legal education and research in Viet Nam with a strong connection with Japan and Nagoya University.
A. You should work hard, and even harder since it is really stressful if you would like to finish your program with a good result on time. However, open your heart and make friends with other students and colleagues at Nagoya University when travelling to Japan. It might be an unforgettable journey in your life.
A. Just want to say that I love ASCI and the time I spent on this program. I am trying my best to contribute to the development of this program in Viet Nam.
A. Just want to say that I love ASCI and the time I spent on this program. I am trying my best to contribute to the development of this program in Viet Nam.

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
A. Growth Stress and Wood Property Assessment of Different Provenances of Big-Leaf Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) Landrace in the Philippines.
A. The program offers by NU-ASCI is one of its kind: offering opportunity to young professional like me working the government in one of Asian countries that would like to improve their knowledge and capability without leaving their respective offices/work.
A. The advantage of this program is you can enhance and improve your existing research studies by incorporating the recent advance technologies and studies that can be incorporated in your dissertation. However, TIME is very vital in this program since you are on study will working. Though, your time management will harness if you can finish this program on time.
A. When I finished my PhD course on time is one of my greatest achievement, despite of so many challenges on doing my laboratory works in the university and field works in my country. This prove myself that nothing impossible if you have a good time management and the attitude of being optimistic and perseverance, and trusting GOD that all things happen by His will.
A. To become one of the leading scientists in my field of expertise.
A. Your greatest enemy in this program is “TIME”, and one way to counter this is through self-management, discipline, perseverance and PRAY harder.
A. To all NU-ASCI students and aspiring students, remember that you passed the very tedious screening of applicants for this program. Its means you are one of a kind. Good luck and GOD bless.
A. To all NU-ASCI students and aspiring students, remember that you passed the very tedious screening of applicants for this program. Its means you are one of a kind. Good luck and GOD bless.

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine

Graduated in Graduate School of Medicine
A. Factors associated with HIV testing among the general male population in Cambodia: A secondary data analysis of the Demographic Health Survey in 2005, 2010, and 2014
A. As a unique program designed and offered to Nagoya students (Alumni) for Government officials to doctoral study while being able to carry on workplace duties at home country. Short campus basic study and long distance study coaching also favor students to stay with and taking care family. Opportunity for Application Research gave opportunity to broaden understanding healthcare service development and its policies implication for policy decision making.
A. Advantages: -Long distance study while working without interruption. -Expanding and upgrading academic and research knowledge and skills -Applying scientific and innovation concept in healthcare services quality development in public health settings. Disadvantages: -Study focus and concentration were distracted and impacted by never finished office and family duties. -Unwilling to share available public health data -spent a lot of time for formulating study concept and request for secondary data use and permission -Delayed writing thesis due to unsuccessful research conceptualization and proposals development
A. -Gained knowledge and experiences through research works, looking for scientific study papers and references, writing successful doctoral thesis. -Gained postgraduate academic experiences and credits -Published successfully second manuscript in an international research journal
A. Contributing to Government efforts to improve healthcare quality including HIV/AIDS care and prevention through management innovation.
A. -Be patient and finding ways to lower very stressful situation and limited support study environment in home country but struggling to complete. -Any sharing or advices on academic and health related study required from me, contact me at

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences

Graduated in Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
A. Heat tolerance and productivity of dairy cattle under tropical climate in suburb area of Cambodia.
A. It is a program of the University of Nagoya, a prestigious university with many famous professors and scientists. Most importantly, the scholarship allows me to do research in my country, which is an important document that is useful for Cambodia and for the next generation of researchers.
A. The advantage is that I can keep my role and job, it does not cause stress and especially lived with family, while the disadvantages: online meeting is not as good as face-to-face meeting and lack of some laboratory equipment in satellite campus in country.
A. The greatest achievement during my PhD course is gained knowledge and research results, which will provide input to the government for planning to develop dairy farming and investors who want to invest dairy cattle in Cambodia.
A. In the future, if I have the opportunity: First, I want to be a leader in the entity of Animal Health and Animal Production and second, I want to invest in dairy farming in Cambodia.
A. Students who want to pursue a doctoral degree, please come to apply for an ASCI Scholarship because you will be studying and doing research in your own country, especially you do not lose your position and job.
A. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Government of Japan as well as the University of Nagoya for providing me with a PhD Scholarship. Through this PhD study, I gained knowledge, experience, especially my research results are important to Cambodia and a reference document for the next generation of researchers.
A. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Government of Japan as well as the University of Nagoya for providing me with a PhD Scholarship. Through this PhD study, I gained knowledge, experience, especially my research results are important to Cambodia and a reference document for the next generation of researchers.

Graduated in Graduate School of International Development

Graduated in Graduate School of International Development
A. The Determinants of Commune/Sangkat Councilors’ Accountability in the Context of Decentralization Reforms in Cambodia.
A. The reason I chose the ASCI to study, because this program provides me scholarship to pursue my study without schooling, and I am able to pursue my work at the same time. On the other hand, I am still with my family.
A. Advantages: 1.) Opportunity to extend academic degree and knowledge 2.) Greater opportunity to be promoted at work place 3.) All in the answer of the question above. Disadvantages: Frankly, one main disadvantage of the program, the students cannot receive scholarship for daily expense. As you know, the government officer in developing countries usually do not get highly paid. Therefore, studying this program without support with low monthly salary is very hard. It is required a strong commitment (both study and family) and good financial management to support family living standard.
A. To me, I got great experiences and knowledge in academic life. I got papers published which I have never had before studying PhD. Especially, I got the highest academic degree which is PhD in life. Furthermore, after graduation, I gain a lot of trust from my management, and I have been promoted to higher position as expected. Frankly, I am not smart to learn, but I am disciplined. PhD study really influences me to be disciplined. I still believe that being disciplined can gain more successes than just being smart.
A. To be a good public officer and public policy makers to in improving quality of citizen’s lives in my country.
A. I have no much advice, but being a PhD student, Be Disciplined! Never have a reason for being behind the deadline. Time management is very important in learning PhD, especially for ASCI program, because we have to learn and work at the same time. Being a PhD student, you need to remember that read and read. The more you read, the better knowledge you have to make your research topic sound and rational. Please work closely with your main supervisor.

Graduated in Graduate School of Law

Graduated in Graduate School of Law
A. Development of Administrative litigation in Mongolia.
A. First, the program allowed me to study while I am still able to hold my position at home country. In other words, hybrid nature of program enables me to make research under supervision of learned professors at Nagoya. Also, the program offered full scholarship and expenses paid by the school. These are reasons that I applied and successfully completed the program.
A. Advantages; Hybrid nature of program enables me to make research under supervision of learned professors at Nagoya. Also, the program offered full scholarship and expenses paid by the school. ASCI supporting team was key to fulfil the research in English. In my study time, there were two native speaker and one assistant professor who helped my study and research beside my supervisor’s tireless support and help. Disadvantage: at the beginning housing during my visit in Nagoya were poor. But eventually it improved. Another thing that school might consider to improve might be the involvement of two sub-advisers’ role in the program.
A. The greatest one is that became familiar with how to conduct in depth research. Methodology and way of conducting research is the very important thing I have learned from my study. Oh, I have learned a lot form my supervisor Professor Ichihashi Katsuya, he fully helped and supported my research and study. I am lucky to had him as my supervisor because I also familiar some other students whose supervisor were a bit difficult to work with. It so depends on the supervisor then.
A. I want to continue use my skill in research to my teaching role and writing in future.
A. It depends on two things. One is you, how you plan and make commitment to the study because its not easy to complete it while working. Other one is who is your supervisor and how you cope with your supervisor is important to successfully complete your research. Others are taken care of by Nagoya University and ASCI.

Graduated in Graduate School of Law

Graduated in Graduate School of Law
A. “The Regulation of Price-fixing Cartels under Vietnam's Competition Law: A Comparative Analysis with the Japanese Anti-monopoly Act and the EU Competition Law”
A. The reason why I chose the ASCI to study a Doctoral Degree is because I really want to deepen my legal knowledge and experiences right after completing my Master’s Degree at Nagoya University Graduate School of Law. Significantly, this ASCI program helped me continue to connect with previous professors from Nagoya University to study the specialized field of competition law. Furthermore, the program offered a flexible study time while I was working and had a great opportunity to apply the specialized knowledge and legal analysis skills in the daily legal practice.
A. The ASCI program offers highly specialized and respected professors and experts in various fields of law. In addition, the ASCI also provided necessary tools to keep the study progressing. One of my concerns when I started this program is the legal documents and book sources to study. However, the ASCI connected me with the library of Nagoya University Graduate School of Law to access to the requested books and documents. Then, the ASCI collected and sent them to my home country. That's amazing arrangement!
A. My comparative legal analysis capability has been improved. The close supervision of professors helped me develop the skills of comparative legal analysis in a logical and persuasive way. Thanks to this guidance, I understood that although the supporting evidence and practical cases play important part in comparing the competition regimes, the relationship between legally substantive issue and procedural matters should be taken into account due to the different capacity to execute the law in each country. Therefore, the suggestion for improvements should be done in a practical and applicable way.
A. Completing the Doctoral Degree is not an end to my research journey. Having obtained a deep legal knowledge and analysis skills from this program brings more opportunities to me, including the teaching professional at a university. In addition, the aspiration to establish a law firm with high reputation, greatly positive reviews from clients and high-ranking qualified lawyers is also my next career development goal in the near future.
A. I think you should clearly define your expectation from this PhD program and make a good plan to complete the program. Also, committing yourself to write several paragraphs everyday is a key to progress your study. Furthermore, keeping close contact and direct discussion with the professors will help you address concerns and overcome difficulties that may arise.