Dr. Mary Jean Garsuta-Bulatao has been appointed as the new Director and Designated Associate Professor of the Nagoya...
On September 27, ASCI held a graduate ceremony entitled “Research Presentation 2023” in which three gradu...
An online entrance ceremony for two newly enrolled students of the Lao Satellite Campus was held on October 5, 2023. ...
On the weekend of July 29th and 30th of 2023, The Asian Satellite Campuses Institute (ASCI) sponsored a program-wide ...
On 9 October 2023, the Nagoya University (NU) of Nagoya, Japan conducted the 9th Entrance Ceremony for its hybrid doc...
Group photo of officials, guests, alumni and students at the Nagoya University Entrance Ceremony held on 9 Octobe...
Los Baños, Laguna—Professor Isamu Okada (left) of Nagoya University Graduate School of Internationa...
Dr. Kim Nyka C. Perdiguerra, an alumna of the Nagoya University (NU) Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences (GSB...
On 5 July 2023, the Ambassador of Thailand to the Philippines visited the Nagoya University Asian Satellite Campus-Ph...
Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, Director of Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SE...
Los Baños, Laguna.   Professors from Tokyo University of Agriculture (TUA), Laboratory of Management...
Former ASCI student, Justice Bayarmaa Nyamdoo, has delivered a public lecture on her dissertation topic “Develo...
Dr. Kim Nyka C. Perdiguerra, University Researcher of the Crop Physiology Division at the Institute of Crop Science, ...
Nagoya, Japan—The Memorandum of Agreement(MoA) between Nagoya University (NU), Japan and the University of the ...
Los Banos, Laguna--- Two new doctoral students from the National Crop Protection Center (NCPC) of the University of t...
On 21 October 2022, ASCI Cambodia Satellite Campus held an Entrance Ceremony for four newly enrolled Ph.D. students. ...
On Friday, 14th October 2022, the Entrance Ceremony was held online to welcome a student from Vietnam.   Start...
Four doctoral graduates of the Nagoya University Asian Satellite Campuses Institute (NUASCI)at Nagoya University (NU)...
From 8 to 15 August 2022, a number of officials and Japanese Filipino alumni visited the Nagoya University Asian Sate...
Dr. Thelma Almendral Saludes, director of the Philippine Carabao Center at the University of the Philippines Los Ba&n...